Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last night home

Well we finally have everything (I hope) in a piece of luggage and all of the luggage is under 1000 lbs (Yvonne has corrected me we only have 165 lbs and we are allowed 230 lbs so a little dance is in order). Tonight the kids are coming over for ice cream sundaes.  Dylan asked me where we were going and I said "Kenya".  She then asked if it was far  away.  I told her it was farther than Disneyland (they have just driven there) but that was not good enough.  How much further.  After some discussion about driving to San Francisco and flying to Dubai and then flying to Kenya she gave up and asked if Kenya was over there pointing north.  Oh well, defeated by a five year old.  We are getting the globe down for the party tonight but I do not have much hope.

For all of you who have asked and thank you for asking,  Yes we have all of our shots, our visa, our passport, the water filter, our airline tickets and hotel vouchers, our herbs and medicines, tools, vitamins, good walking shoes, clothes that have been sprayed with mosquito repellent, hats, gifts for our hosts, and books to read when we have nothing to do (ha ha).

As you can see from the prior posting we are going on a Kenyan road trip with Sister Margaret so we are not clear when we will have Internet access.  We will write each day and post when we can.   Don't worry about us if you do not hear from us for a few days, you will get pictures and narratives of our adventures.  Whenever we get to Dubai (Friday night there and Friday morning here, we think) we should be able to post.  While we are in Kenya we will be about 11 hours ahead of Salinas (I do not know about Monterey).

We will see you in a month.  Blessings to all of you and thank you for your support.

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