Yvonne and I are setting up this blog so you can follow along with our adventure.
As most of you know Stanley and I have been invited to travel to Kenya by Sister Margaret Aringo, a friend that I met at Church Divinity School of the Pacific. We will be getting to know Kenya and its people as well as helping Sister Margaret with St. Clare's, a project to train village elders (mostly women) in leadership and public health techniques. St. Clare's will also set up a scholarship program to send young people to nursing school. This ambitious project is a result of her PhD research and will necessarily be a long term project. We will be teaching and supporting her efforts in ways that we do not really know at this point. (It is understood that Stanley will be doing a little plumbing and household maintenance for her convent, Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph, Assisi House. He is really along as labor and support personnel.)
We leave on June 3 and will fly to Dubai and spend the night. We think that we will get to see a little of the town but who knows. We will let you know when we know. Then off to Nairobi to arrive on Saturday. We will probably sleep for two days and then you will hear from us again.
Pray for us and Sister Margaret.

Much Love and Prayers, my Dear Sister and Stan as you embark upon the journey of a lifetime! May Angels wings carry you safely to your destination and wrap you in protective Light as you travel the unknown.
ReplyDeleteWe are always with you, can't really get rid of us! Have fun!